With friends like these…

By marz88 - 24/10/2009 18:27 - United States

Today, a friend of mine got a bit drunk, but said she was fine and didn't feel drunk at all. I took her keys anyway and said she could sleep on my bed, while I slept on the floor next to the bed. I was rudely woken up in the middle of the night to her rolling over and vomiting on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 688
You deserved it 7 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oooh yuckk good job on keeping your friend safe though :)

meezer008 0


Bonus points for if you ever start dating.

At least you did wake up, instead of having to sleep until morning with rotting vomit seeping into your mouth and nostrils. :/ But FYL, OP.

if she drank enough for you to take her keys you shouldn't have been sleeping within vomit range. yuck either way

kaykay007 0

if you knew she was that drunk why did you sleep on the floor right next to your bed and not on the couch or anything???

AT least you know you did the right thing! Good for you!

L0VEPiNK07 0

yay for keeping her keys! boo for being puked on. :( next time sleep on the couch?

A midnight snack, mmmmmm, and you don't even have to get up!!!

YDI for not getting in bed with her and taking advantage of the situation.

EveryDayJackAss 0

shit, that's just plain nasty, should have raped that bitch for it (jk of course)