With friends like these…

By marz88 - 24/10/2009 18:27 - United States

Today, a friend of mine got a bit drunk, but said she was fine and didn't feel drunk at all. I took her keys anyway and said she could sleep on my bed, while I slept on the floor next to the bed. I was rudely woken up in the middle of the night to her rolling over and vomiting on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 688
You deserved it 7 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oooh yuckk good job on keeping your friend safe though :)

meezer008 0


don't worry you will laugh ur ass of about it in 20 years time

froggygrl78 0

That sucks. And it's cool that you kept your friend safe. But I think that the most important thing is that you kept eveyone else safe. The saddest thing about drunk drivers is not that they are rislikng their own lives but also the lives of countless innocent people. So on behalf of all those innocent people, thank you for putting up with what was I am sure a horrible experience to save who knows how many lives.

You should have ****** her after cleaning up the vomit.

I love the FMLs that involve vomiting, always make lol.

Hopefully you at least learned an important life lesson from this experience: When you try to be nice to chicks, they vomit on your face. Next time, make her sleep on the damn floor. She can vomit on herself.

No good deed goes unpunished. Lesson learned.

...and then you found out it was videoed and turned into fetish ****? I'm jut trying to find the FML in this story. You most likely saved her life. Make her you slave until you think you've been paid back, it'll even itself out ;P

Have you never seen the Dog Whisperer before? You have to assert your dominance (in this case by making HER sleep on the floor). Once she recognizes you as the pack leader, she will be responsive to your commands (such as "Put out").

jane99 0

You're so nice. I would never give up my bed.