
By Familyskank - 06/05/2009 16:57 - United States

Today, my family was preparing a turkey for my grandma's birthday dinner when my aunt noticed a utensil on the counter and asked what it was for. My mom said it was used to keep the turkey's legs together. My aunt responded to her by saying, "Maybe you should get one for your daughter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 611
You deserved it 24 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cyxx 0

Hahahahhahaaha owneedddddd Seriously though, if your AUNT thinks you're a ****, you should probably work on not sleeping around.

Hahahaha rocked. What ever helps you stay off your back I guess. =

deaditegirl 0

Hilarious! I wish my relatives were that awesome. Wicked burn.

ahhhhahahahaha *points and screams* SLUTTTT!!!!! SLUUUUUUUUUTTTTT!!!!!!! (LB anyone?? hahahaha)

And I'm assuming you're the daughter she is referring to... Is it true?

e_monz 0

people are so stupid, it was her AUNT that said it. not her Grandma.

HAHA eff, that made me laugh so hard. :P

okay. so your name is familyskank and you didnt see this coming? obviously you know its the truth and are just looking for a reason to be on FML. YDI and stop slutting around if you dont want your family to think these things.

She changed the name to FamilySkank because of this event. Idiot.