By Madison Ostermeier - 28/06/2019 12:05

Today, I went on a date. I'm a big Disney fan, so naturally the topic came up. He said, "The only Disney movie I didn't really like was Pocahontas." I have a Pocahontas tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 572
You deserved it 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because he didn’t like it doesn’t mean you should feel bad that you did enough to get inked. Differences are good. They keep things interesting and you can learn so much more about a person from them rather than having everything in common. Because if you do have everything in common, one of you two, if not both, are just spitting out things they think the other wants to hear.

ImminentDisaster 12

If he just said that he didn't really like it, and not that he can't stand to think about it, I think you should be fine.


She's my favorite. She's the only one that can be proven to have existed

Sammijane58 9

Twins! I have a Pocahontas tattoo too! Her, flit & meeko cover my left thigh!