By Overlord247 - 28/06/2019 07:05 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, due to sleep deprivation, I wasn't paying attention to where the elevator stopped. I walked into a flat, thinking it was mine. It wasn't. It was the flat just beneath mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 432
You deserved it 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had someone walk into my apartment thinking it was his friends. l learned to lock my door after that. Maybe they'll learn the same thing.

The layouts are just the same on every floor, it's not that mysterious.


bl3ur0z3 17

You didn't start shooting the people inside the wrong flat, did you?

The first thing I thought of was that cop who shot a dude living I'm the apartment below her and claimed she thought she went into her own apartment and saw a silhouette and shot in self defense...

I had someone walk into my apartment thinking it was his friends. l learned to lock my door after that. Maybe they'll learn the same thing.

Skydome6666 6

huh so your elevator's go directly to your apartment and not a hallway on the second third fourth etc floor? that's just odd. there must be lots of elevators in that building.

The layouts are just the same on every floor, it's not that mysterious.

Skydome6666 6

yes but do the elevators go to a hallway or directly to the room??

I did this a week after my first husband died in our apartment. Well, didn't get in, because my key wouldn't work. As I was fumbling the knob started to turn as the resident came to check what was up. I'm not a believer in the supernatural but being distraught and very sleep deprived I was addled. For a split second I figured a ghost was turning that knob and I let out a deafening scream lol. Resident's POV: a screaming stranger tried to get in. Poor them! Luckily we are Canadian so none of us were armed and the situation de-escalated instantly.