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Anger management classes going well?

By Anonymous - 08/06/2023 12:00

Today, my boyfriend's 12 year-old son was making such loud and disgusting sounds while eating ramen noodles that it took every ounce of my self-control not to punch him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 687
You deserved it 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a disorder known as misophonia, basically, certain sounds can trigger highly emotional reactions. I, personally cannot stand the sound of people chewing with their mouth open. No one wants to see or hear food being churned around your noise-hole. Exeptions are children under the age of 7, temporarily/permanently disabled or temporary/permanent injury. No fully-functional adult should look like a bulldog chewing a wasp. As you can tell, I have misophonia.

I hope you're joking cos that is a bit of a leap. They did not hit the child, just merely felt the urge to. Almost every adult on the face of this planet has felt the urge to give some annoying kid a thick ear. They don't, but they want to.


There's a disorder known as misophonia, basically, certain sounds can trigger highly emotional reactions. I, personally cannot stand the sound of people chewing with their mouth open. No one wants to see or hear food being churned around your noise-hole. Exeptions are children under the age of 7, temporarily/permanently disabled or temporary/permanent injury. No fully-functional adult should look like a bulldog chewing a wasp. As you can tell, I have misophonia.

Something in you think it is okay to use violence on children. That's all I could read. YDI, grow up.

I hope you're joking cos that is a bit of a leap. They did not hit the child, just merely felt the urge to. Almost every adult on the face of this planet has felt the urge to give some annoying kid a thick ear. They don't, but they want to.

Seems like the kid was being a kid. I used to do the same thing at that age to annoy my stepdad

I never knew how gross some people can eat until I experienced it myself. It took a lot of self control not to puke that day. Your boyfriend really should teach his son to chew with his mouth closed otherwise he will be a social outcast all his life.

The son-of-a-bitch wouldn't share his noodles, right? Get your own ramen and out-slurp the punk. You must establish dominance!