Anyone fancy a pint?

By Apolline - 24/10/2022 10:00 - France

Today, it's my birthday. It's also the day of my grandmother's funeral. I spent most of my 21st birthday in a cemetery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 924
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

That happened to me. Sucks but cannot be helped.

Wow, Grandma really stuck it to you! She could have stuck around for a few more days so you could have had a fun 21st. Your family could have at least postponed the funeral so you could get ****** on your 21st and then sober up. People these days are so thoughtless and have screwed-up priorities!


TomeDr 24

That happened to me. Sucks but cannot be helped.

Wow, Grandma really stuck it to you! She could have stuck around for a few more days so you could have had a fun 21st. Your family could have at least postponed the funeral so you could get ****** on your 21st and then sober up. People these days are so thoughtless and have screwed-up priorities!

Tomorrow you will still be 21 (plus 1 day) and you can celebrate then if you want. Grandma will still be in the ground… Shit happens sometimes - We just have to make the best of it.

mccuish 25

This happened to my brother back in 2007. His birthday was the day of the funeral for my grandma

The only way this could be worse is if they venerate her and make that day all about "remembering her" instead of celebrating your birthday.