Back to square one

By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 03:39 - United States

Today, I was babysitting for my neighbors. Their 5 year-old had finally fallen asleep at 11 after two hours of stories and songs. No sooner had I tiptoed out of the room did I realize that my phone had dropped out of my pocket onto the bed. It was ringing. It was their mother checking in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 239
You deserved it 7 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fear the day I become a dad. I'll probably end up insane.

Maybe... try using the phone on vibrate? I almost never have mine on ring because ringers annoy the **** out of me... I wish they annoyed more people.


mj2123 0

Um, #8, if you could read properly (or do math), you might have understood that she put the kid down at NINE not 11. It took two hours for the kid to fall asleep, which isn't really that unusual. I know I was like that when I was a kid - and not just to babysitters.

#18, more like this -comes by- -meows- -floats to space-

grazynaanka 0

and???? did the child wake up or not?

sobored27 0

@ #7 thanks for that visual..i jus screamed laughin at work lmaooooo @ punt to the moon

Chicka_87 0

i dont get this how is it an FML?

pinkducttape 0

#25 because she spent two hours getting the kid to fall asleep - now the kid is awake - most likely crying and/or grouchy - the mother is most likely hearing the child awake at 11pm - said mother is most likely also making assumptions or worried over nothing - either way doesnt make the babysitter look or feel good.

LMAO at #7! That happens to me too. But vibrate really does help.

asxp10 0

So the 5 year old was originally supposed to go to bed at 9:00? A bit late for a 5 year old. But, aside from that, FYL.

fretforyerlatte 0

#18 LOL but that's EXACTLY what he does!!! 22 made me lol too, picturing my dumbass cat floating away into space. aahahahaha...