Ball and chain

By Anonymous - 01/02/2023 12:00

Today, my husband got mad at me because I asked if we could have 2 hours out of a 16-day trip to go to the beach, just us and our kids. Why is he mad at me for this? Because his mother will be upset if we go do something by ourselves without her. Her husband and the rest of her family will all be on this 16-day trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 223
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't go on the trip and divorce the manchild. You should be his top priority, not his mother. He will always put her first before his family.

I am pretty sure there is a bigger problem here than the trip to beach without MIL. If I read it correctly OP’s husband is a “Mama’s boy” who puts his Mom’s wishes first and she is used to that prerogative… I would suggest that no one should marry a “Mama’s boy” unless you don’t mind always coming second to MIL. And I have trouble imagining being desperate enough to do that… Unfortunately, OP you made that choice and you have children - that makes correcting the situation very, very difficult. Not impossible, but very difficult and it won’t happen overnight.


Why can't you bring your mom to the beach? It's not like beach-goers carry harpoons with them.

tiptoppc 19

Lol, you literally made my wife and I laugh on this. Is Ishmael pacing up and down the beach looking for revenge against this guy’s mother?

Don't go on the trip and divorce the manchild. You should be his top priority, not his mother. He will always put her first before his family.

I am pretty sure there is a bigger problem here than the trip to beach without MIL. If I read it correctly OP’s husband is a “Mama’s boy” who puts his Mom’s wishes first and she is used to that prerogative… I would suggest that no one should marry a “Mama’s boy” unless you don’t mind always coming second to MIL. And I have trouble imagining being desperate enough to do that… Unfortunately, OP you made that choice and you have children - that makes correcting the situation very, very difficult. Not impossible, but very difficult and it won’t happen overnight.

Don’t let him be mad at you. Tell him you’re the one who is rightfully mad because he doesn’t care for you at all.