Cheat sheet

By ohh jeez. - 21/02/2009 02:49 - United States

Today, I handed in an assignment in health class that had to calculate my BMI. Embarassed by my weight I put it 15 pounds less. I got the assignment back and lost credit for something. Circled in red pen on the top was you must put your "EXACT" weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 983
You deserved it 19 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, but he has no proof the student is lying unless he has already weighed him/her himself. When it comes to personal information, you can't just claim a student is lying.

ummmyeahhh 0

wow. everyone, chill out. 1. weight is a very personal issue. not everyone is comfortable sharing things like that, especially in a way that could have revealed it to the entire class. when I went thru health class, our prof. let us disclose anything sensitive to her, so we did the assignment in private and then received it separately. not everyone is comfortable doing it. 2. weight perception in general is a touchy subject. just because you think you are overweight doesn't mean you are, and just because you think you're at the "correct weight" doesn't mean you're too heavy. however, taking off 15 pounds was a bit much, esp. for someone who is trained to know weight and what it looks like... try taking off 5 to 10 at the most... 3. the teacher was wrong to penalize you, but cheating thru the assignment was wrong too. go to the prof and say that you weren't comfortable disclosing your weight and try to redo the assignment privately. maybe he'll be more understanding. 4. if that doesn't work, explain to his supervisor that you were uncomfortable with the subject matter and ask for them to handle the matter privately.


listen, back when I still had health class, I was crazy embarrassed about my weight. Now, looking back after my self consciousness led to over eating and weight gain that I was actually way more beautiful than I gave myself credit for. I only wish that I realised it then, it would have saved me a lot of effort of dieting to try and get the weight back off. Don't be embarassed, I guarantee its not nearly as bad as you think it is.

biancaosuna 0

Hmm. That an "ouch". Yeah I agree 15 pounds is a bit too much. Hmm. Well I just did my BMI, and it turns out I'm a bit under BMI is 16.4. Ok, I'm going to shut up now.

You really need to go to a doctor instead of trying to "show off" your low BMI on FML. Seriously, it sounded narcissistic.

jdm9970 0

#31 BMI isn't great for measuring obesity, but it there is a pretty solid correllation between BMI and overall health. If the idiot had just used her true body weight, there wouldn't be a problem.

woahhashleyhazel 0

oh my god. i did the same thing. well except, i didnt get caught. lol

bibbit 0

um who cares if the teacher knows how much you weigh? put your real weight next time

ohlookasaraah 0

it's easy to get away with that, really. people always think i weight more than twenty pounds less than i do weigh.

michalk92 0

that's what u get for bein fat it's called workin out and stop eatin BK m taco bell lmao

I am not sure if it's karma or not...