Christmas Chaos

By shaggyberaddy - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, I spent 15 minutes trying to get my cat out of our seven-foot Christmas tree. Once he was done, he tore about the house and broke the nativity scene, beheading baby Jesus and a wise man in the process. The tree is fucked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 815
You deserved it 1 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

A Christmas tree is like an enormous playground jungle gym to a cat.

If he were truly wise, he wouldn't have gotten beheaded in the first place.


Lobby_Bee 17

A Christmas tree is like an enormous playground jungle gym to a cat.

If he were truly wise, he wouldn't have gotten beheaded in the first place.

Cats and Christmas trees just don't go with each other. Learned that long ago xD

You should not have gotten a pet if you had no intention to train it. Besides, if you are a lazy owner who does not care to teach their pet how to behave, you can always simply close the door and not allow the animal in certain areas.

Withered, you clearly have never even _met_ a cat.

Clearly you really haven't had a cat. I've had six cats ( two at a time ) and teaching them how to behave, it's not as simple as you think. They are cats, they will pay attention when they want to, not when you want them to. A Christmas tree with ornaments on it, sparkly and shiny or not, is obviously going to get the cats attention. I've only had a few cats that haven't went for the Christmas tree. Also, closed doors, do you really want to listen to a cat meowing and scratching at the door for god-knows-how-long?

So some scratching and meowing is more annoying than having to clean up broken things/mess behind your pet? Setting boundaries for your pet is pretty basic thing if you are a responsible pet owner. Cats can be trained just as much as dogs can be. If you do not put the effort in teaching your pet basic things then you have no right to complain when they behave like they do.

Oh believe me, I have a cat who constantly meows and yes you get sick of hearing it. Cleaning up broken items isn't really much of a pain. Listening to your cat singing the song of their people all day and at stupid hours during the night when you're trying to sleep, yeah that's waaaay more annoying. Also, I have no problem with my cats. Out of all of them, only one cat has broken something and it was easy enough to put together. Yes a cat can be trained, but as I said, a cat will listen when they want to.

Darkshadus1 2

This is what always makes me laugh Christians putting up decorated pine trees ( a pagan Yule tradition) for the celebration of the birth of a middle eastern jewish person born around March. (which is when the sandstorms happen) lol

"Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, your ornaments are history!"

09051308288 17

The cat surely hates Christmas.

09051308288 17

The cat surely hates Christmas.

Oh darn, you can afford a house that will accommodate a 7 foot Christmas tree but your cat ruined temporary decorations. So sad for you. Stfu