
By Anonymous - 31/12/2019 14:00

Today, I got curious and decided to look for my ex's social media after he blocked me off everything. I found him on LinkedIn and it is only after I click on his profile that I remembered, he will be notified that I looked him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 584
You deserved it 3 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I see why he blocked you on everything.....

leximichelle 13

What a noob. Using your own account to stalk your ex.


I think I see why he blocked you on everything.....

I'm sure you had a good reason for looking him up....

leximichelle 13

What a noob. Using your own account to stalk your ex.

Continuing to look for someone who obviously doesn’t want you in their life is stalking. Unless if there is a legit reason.

so you post on fml not realizing everyone is going to call you a STALKER

Amanda G Rich 23

Move on, stalker, and go get help.

Lucky for you Linkedin only shows you who viewed you if you pay for their premium subscription... Otherwise they only show you that someone viewed you. So it's actually unlikely that he knows it was you.