
By Anonymous - 13/04/2020 20:00

Today, I found out my husband wasn’t really “working from home” in the evenings. He locks himself in his office until the late hours of the night, having intimate Skype sessions with his coworker. That explains why our joint bank account hasn’t seen a direct deposit this past month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 944
You deserved it 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatkorean 5

I’d report them both to HR with some sort of proof. Then I’d serve him with divorce papers.

Ambrily 27

Not only your husband (would be my ex husband, at this point) is a cheater, he's also an idiot. I'm really sorry, OP.


Ambrily 27

Not only your husband (would be my ex husband, at this point) is a cheater, he's also an idiot. I'm really sorry, OP.

At least he's locked in his office where he can't give her a "direct deposit," if you know what I mean ;) He's probably working very hard -- it's just on a volunteer basis.

I hope that you will divorce him. You deserve better!

thatkorean 5

I’d report them both to HR with some sort of proof. Then I’d serve him with divorce papers.

What a moron and a piece of crap. Sorry this happened to you OP :(