
By RachelD - 17/07/2021 18:01 - United States

Today, I can’t make it to my friend’s birthday party because my dog died this morning. I called my friend to inform her and she screamed at me because a "dumb animal" is more important than her best friend. Oh, and she asked me if that also means she won’t be getting a present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 458
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah that's not your best friend, that's a bitch in disguise. Drop em.

and that's what we call an entitled user...I'm sorry for your loss.


and that's what we call an entitled user...I'm sorry for your loss.

Yeah that's not your best friend, that's a bitch in disguise. Drop em.

Pets a helluva loss. Especially if raised from a pup, kitten or when they were young. My condolences.

Corey Blair Janvier 3

your friend sounds like how do you say? A super duper extra large asshole

So sorry for your loss and that your friend is an idiot 😞

Angarik 6

sounds like you need a better friend.

Yeah- that's not a friend. When my dog died in November my friend was at the vets with me and stayed with me for two nights after to make sure I was ok and cooked meals for me, cleaned up etc. THAT is a friend. Pets are part of the family. I hope you get a better best friend OP