Everybody does

By Bill - 30/05/2021 23:59 - Canada - Qu?bec

Today, I’ve been unemployed for 5 months. My last job was for government in Canada and I was harassed by management, and deemed a threat to the building. Why? Someone complained I cough. I’ve been coughing for years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 995
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you get a sweet unemployment package? In the US most people who are unemployed are making more money with the stimulus package than they were working.

it's Canada , where weed is legal , 2 out of 3 ppl have coughs.


Did you get a sweet unemployment package? In the US most people who are unemployed are making more money with the stimulus package than they were working.

Got maximum unemployment but still 1/3 of what I was making

ojoRojo 27

It’s tough times for coughers. Sorry OP

it's Canada , where weed is legal , 2 out of 3 ppl have coughs.

NikiV 5

That’s ridiculous. People need to stop thinking everything is Covid. There are people who cough merely because of allergies. Ridiculous how much fear people are living in.