Eyes on the prize

By Geeee - 30/10/2024 04:00 - United States

Today, my ex, who “didn’t believe in posting our relationship on social media”, has no problem posting his new girlfriend and showing her off. He acts like he won a very valuable prize with her, and I was left in the shadows for the whole year we dated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 437
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to tell you this but he wasn’t that into you. Let’s be real. People show off the things that they’re proud to have and unfortunately you weren’t one of them. Don’t believe a guy when they tell you “I don’t believe in posting our relationship” He’s either (1) Protecting someone else’s feelings (2) Not that into you You deserve someone who is proud to have you and show you off.

d j mom 8

I agree. the next one you meet that tries to 'hide' your relationship, run like the wind. you deserve to be treated like that other girl was.


Sorry to tell you this but he wasn’t that into you. Let’s be real. People show off the things that they’re proud to have and unfortunately you weren’t one of them. Don’t believe a guy when they tell you “I don’t believe in posting our relationship” He’s either (1) Protecting someone else’s feelings (2) Not that into you You deserve someone who is proud to have you and show you off.

d j mom 8

I agree. the next one you meet that tries to 'hide' your relationship, run like the wind. you deserve to be treated like that other girl was.

If he views women as commodities that increase or decrease his social status, then he never viewed you as a full/real human. You're better off without him.

Yeah, if you're with someone who's active on social media but refuses to post about you, it's because they're keeping their options open and don't want your presence to interfere with their ability to find someone else to date.