
By Betrayed - 23/07/2024 16:00 - United States

Today, my friend, who is dating an ex of mine, posted a story on her Instagram of their dating history. Met in 2020; First Date: 2021; Became Official: 2022. I introduced them in 2020 and he broke up with the, “It’s not you it’s me” excuse in 2022. I feel like she put a dagger through my heart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 497
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. With friends like her who needs enemies? She's been screwing your ex behind your back since 2021, and NOW she's making all these details known, because she knew you would get mad. Also, "It's not you it's me" is a bunch of baloney. People break up with you for two reasons and two reasons alone. Either 1) You did something that made them resent you, which caused them to fall out of love. or (2) Someone else came into the picture. He weasled his way out with that sorry excuse because they had a thing between them the whole time. Unfriend/block her, your friendship with her is dead as of today and find someone worth your time.

They're both to blame. She may have posted the message, but I'll bet you your ex's life savings that he made the first move.


They're both to blame. She may have posted the message, but I'll bet you your ex's life savings that he made the first move.

Ouch. With friends like her who needs enemies? She's been screwing your ex behind your back since 2021, and NOW she's making all these details known, because she knew you would get mad. Also, "It's not you it's me" is a bunch of baloney. People break up with you for two reasons and two reasons alone. Either 1) You did something that made them resent you, which caused them to fall out of love. or (2) Someone else came into the picture. He weasled his way out with that sorry excuse because they had a thing between them the whole time. Unfriend/block her, your friendship with her is dead as of today and find someone worth your time.