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Fancy seeing you here!

By tryingnottocare - 06/08/2009 20:01 - United Kingdom

Today, after being supportive for nearly a year, my brother finally came out of the closet and introduced the family to his new boyfriend. His new boyfriend happens to be my ex-boyfriend. Guess I know why that didn't work out now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 737
You deserved it 4 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Woah. Did you find that how long they had been dating for?

Well all u can do is be supportive and don't blame your ex cause he probably didn't know he was gay while he was with you. If you're not supportive and start shit with your ex it will make this entire transition for your brother even harder


Woah. Did you find that how long they had been dating for?

That would probably be the first thing I'd find out. If it turns out he'd been cheating with him (explaining the break up), I'd be pissed to no end if I were the OP. Otherwise, that's... rather awkward. Dating the sibling of the person you broke up with... I don't think I'd ever do that, just saying. I'd personally feel like a douche, and feel like everyone else would think so too.

Yeah... any woman who could cause a straight man to turn gay... wins my vote for FML of the month.

I heard the anus is preferable on feeling because it is tighter than a ******. OP OBVIOUSLY didn't want to do anal enough for him. No, kidding.

Imo this isn't even an FML. It's awkward, but he's gay and now dating someone else. So?

yeah i was about to say, whats the FML? the only bad thing i see hear is that you broke up with him and it might be awkward

I really think that once you break up with someone you lose whatever hold you had over them, and they are free to date whoever they want from thereon.

NoahStaz 3

The FML is that he broke up with her to go out with her brother. It's kind of a double betrayal. Her boyfriend (possibly) cheated on her and (assuming her family had met her ex) her brother knew he broke up with her and still decided to begin a relationship with an ex that obviously hurt her.

lol thats like my fear...having a boyfriend that turned out to be gay

tpag3r 0

ok wow fyl for serious and this is an actual fml not just some dumbass doing something stupid then trying to get sympathy

niamhyo 13

if I was her id just wish them the best of luck at their relationship and move on. It's her EX boyfriend - not current.

generalsmith2 0

i can't see a dude goin out with someone that dated his sister

Your brother is messed up! How can he do that to you? ):

Well all u can do is be supportive and don't blame your ex cause he probably didn't know he was gay while he was with you. If you're not supportive and start shit with your ex it will make this entire transition for your brother even harder

there is not just black and white, there are plenty of people attracted to both genders. anyway, **** the OP's life, that must be really awkward.

#9 wins for being the first person to get it. Everyone else (above), are you saying that despite the fact that her brother and the ex might, you know, actually love each other- they should just give it up because the OP feels uncomfortable? Seriously? It may be awkward for the OP, but nevertheless, if they do love each other, then don't disrupt it. If you've broken up, then obviously it wasn't working. Besides, you had to like each other to some extent to start dating in the first place- You should have moved on. Kept him as a friend, maybe. Stop whining that your brother has your ex and try to be a little more supportive, would you? *sigh* Now that I'm done venting, I can see your name is 'tryingnottocare'. I wish you luck, then. It can't be that easy, but you should understand and give your brother a chance at happiness, too.

Mipz 2

She already said she was being supportive, dumbass. Therr's no reason to assume she would start shit now.

lmao sorry chick but if you can't tell your boyfriends gay, there's something wrong with you.