Festival spirit

By Festivalgal - 01/08/2021 20:01

Today, I went to a music festival with my boyfriend and ran into his female bestie. She refused to say “Hello”, looked at me up and down, and made passive-aggressive remarks under her breath. After a while of us three hanging out, she stormed off and told him, "We’ll talk about this later, call me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 830
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ILikeBigMugs 6

She probably thinks you’re the “female bestie.”

You're probably going to get dumped on her orders. Sorry.


ILikeBigMugs 6

She probably thinks you’re the “female bestie.”

You're probably going to get dumped on her orders. Sorry.

This is painful to read. At least you know now something's up.

DoctorPALO 14

So your boyfriend has a female best friend...sorry but you know the saying, "men and women can't JUST be friends?" Sounds like she is in love with him and either he's in love with her too and just doesn't see it yet, or they really are "just friends," and he'll stick up for you.

girl don't be dumb he's lying do you break up with him