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By DiskJockey - 05/08/2009 01:37 - United States

Today, I learned a valuable lesson, never leave your "Let It Be" album, which you paid $489 for on eBay out on your desk. My brother also learned something, old records make for very breakable, one use frisbees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 076
You deserved it 11 929

Same thing different taste


lotsologan 2

Man what dumbass uses vinyl as a frisbee? ur brother apparently. I love the beatles and if some one broke my record all hell would break loose!

Wow. Why on earth did you spend so much for it? I wouldn't pay that much for an album unless it was autographed or something. I'm sure you could find a copy in a used record store, or better yet, but the cd.

Beatlesndoherty 0

FYL. I have 'RAM', '1967-1970' on blue vinyl, 'Rubber Soul', a Stones record and a couple other good rock records, and I have a big note on it- 'TOUCH MY VINYLS AND YOU DIE.', because my brother would do this. But, I found 'Let it Be' for $15 at Peddler's Mall, was it autographed? If so, kill him.

ohukno 0

oh **** that sucks the beatles are well... the shit!

mpoppe1018 2

that sucks, but you deserve it, only because you spent $500 on a vinyl when you could have bought one in just as good condition for $30.

Lady_Zydrate 1

489 bucks? Thats a ripoff! I have an original 'imagine' and it cost $15. But you dont deserve it, your brother should get a smack on the head like what my mom used to do

YDI for buying overpriced shit on eBay. oh and also for liking the beetles :)

Supernovas_Child 13

*The Beatles It was in the FML and you couldn't even spell it? Really?

YDI for paying that much for a boring album,vinyl...whatever it was.