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Get it on, bang a gong

By can’t sleep - 17/06/2020 17:04

Today, and for the fourth time in a week, my 60-year-old neighbors have woken me up by having obnoxiously loud sex. Complete with over the top moaning and the headboard smashing against our shared wall. When I asked them nicely to quiet down, they laughed and called me jealous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 036
You deserved it 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The older people get the less shame they have. If you want to resolve this it seems you will have to call your landlord or the police.

"No, you assholes. It's so I can get some goddamn sleep. Keep it up and I'll file multiple noise complaints", is what you could say to them. As their immediate neighbour (sharing a bedroom wall no less), you have every right to a restful sleep.


The older people get the less shame they have. If you want to resolve this it seems you will have to call your landlord or the police.

They're not wrong! Put in some earbuds and try not to think how his droopy balls are slapping her saggy ass on every thrust. Don't think of that, whatever you do.

"No, you assholes. It's so I can get some goddamn sleep. Keep it up and I'll file multiple noise complaints", is what you could say to them. As their immediate neighbour (sharing a bedroom wall no less), you have every right to a restful sleep.

If it doesn't work, I heard some guy cured his noisy neighbor problem by blasting a mix of Baby Shark, Southern preacher, Tombez les Serviettes from Patrick Sébastien and Cotton Eyed Joe on loop until they stopped. When they did it again, he put it back on his amped-up radio. There was no third time.

Some people may be jealous but it’s no excuse not to keep the banging down.

bobsanction 18
bloopaloop 27

The obvious solution is to ********** even louder when they do it.

Well, 60 year olds still have great sex! (Surprised?) and my 67 yo friend does not have droopy balls, (that happens closer to being in your 80’s), he’s an avid bike rider and in great shape !

MrsWTH 7

Oh sleep on the couch and let them ****! Hell their 60!!!