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Go vegan!

By Anonymous - 30/09/2023 20:00

Today, my sister is furious with me and said i will never see my nieces again. Last weekend, while I babysat for her, I taught them the meaning of veganism and animal rights, even showing them a few videos about the meat and dairy industry, and how the animals are kept and treated. Now she won’t speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 155
You deserved it 3 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

[shows literal children shock value propaganda] why won't she let me indoctrinate them more???

they're not your kids you don't get to pick what to teach them


[shows literal children shock value propaganda] why won't she let me indoctrinate them more???

they're not your kids you don't get to pick what to teach them

And how old are these girls? If they’re young children, you’re a heartless bitch. If they’re teenagers, you’re probably still a heartless bitch, but at least they can make up their own minds.

What is it with most vegans who just cannot fathom why they get blocked/cut out/blacklisted because they shove their views down peoples throats. If you had done that to my kids, not talking to them would have been the least of your concerns

Here we go again with the stupid vegan indoctrination. You people truly are crazy. At first, you people try indoctrinating adults such as your siblings and cousins. Now you go after your nieces and nephews?!?! YOU HAVE TO STOP!!!! I think a frozen drumstick to the head is deserved for your despicable actions. How foolish.

Too bad you didn't have the whole week. You could have taught them about QAnon, vaccines, MAGAism and Jewish Space Lasers. Kids today need a proper indoctrination, I mean, education.

Not cool. Think about if the shoe were on the other foot - if you had kids and she babysat them, would you appreciate her giving them a presentation about how the physiology of humans is for an omnivorous diet?

phippsgirl 3

Or just giving the kids a delicious cheeseburger.

I can pretty much promise none of those videos are even close to reality, and are altered to make shit up, because animal cruelty laws are actually enforced in America.

Definitely something you should have asked about first.

"animal rights"? why not just "rights"?