By "senordonkeydildo" - 26/04/2017 05:00 - United States - Center Conway
senordonkeydildo tells us more.
Wow! I can't believe this got posted so fast. I only posted it like 3 days ago. Let me just inform you all that I made it out, SAFE and with UNBROKEN doors. I texted a buddy of mine and he came and got me out, but not before making me listen to him tell me a plethora of gay jokes. It was worth it though because after I came out of the closet (ha ha) we had some beers and played video games for a few hours. And to answer some peoples' concerns, my girlfriend and I prank each other a lot. She pranks me more often than I prank her. Or she tries. I go for stelth and try to wait and do something when she thinks I've forgotten about or war or when least expects it. Obviously I peaked myself this time, but just wait. :)
Top comments
These kind of doors are dangerous. What if kids play hide and seek and get stuck?
Wow! I can't believe this got posted so fast. I only posted it like 3 days ago. Let me just inform you all that I made it out, SAFE and with UNBROKEN doors. I texted a buddy of mine and he came and got me out, but not before making me listen to him tell me a plethora of gay jokes. It was worth it though because after I came out of the closet (ha ha) we had some beers and played video games for a few hours. And to answer some peoples' concerns, my girlfriend and I prank each other a lot. She pranks me more often than I prank her. Or she tries. I go for stelth and try to wait and do something when she thinks I've forgotten about or war or when least expects it. Obviously I peaked myself this time, but just wait. :)
I'm glad your friend safely got you out of the closet. I'm glad that your girlfriend and you have a healthy relationship with your prank wars. Just next time, find a safer place to hide. ;)
Looks like you needed a little help to...Come out of the closet. I will leave know.
Don't think many people find it easy coming out of the closet
"MOM! Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!" *R. Kelly starts playing*
Well, now you know that those doors open from the inside. But you still kinda deserve it, even if you and your gf have prank wars all the time.

Looks like the joke's on you!
I mean, it's not like you're stuck. You might have to buy another closet door though. Probably worth six hours of freedom.