By "senordonkeydildo" - 26/04/2017 05:00 - United States - Center Conway

Today, I decided to pull a prank on my girlfriend by hiding in the closet and scaring her when she came home. I got in and closed the closet doors, only to realize I couldn't open them from the inside. She just texted me to say she covered for a friend and won't be home for 6 more hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 299
You deserved it 5 470

senordonkeydildo tells us more.

Wow! I can't believe this got posted so fast. I only posted it like 3 days ago. Let me just inform you all that I made it out, SAFE and with UNBROKEN doors. I texted a buddy of mine and he came and got me out, but not before making me listen to him tell me a plethora of gay jokes. It was worth it though because after I came out of the closet (ha ha) we had some beers and played video games for a few hours. And to answer some peoples' concerns, my girlfriend and I prank each other a lot. She pranks me more often than I prank her. Or she tries. I go for stelth and try to wait and do something when she thinks I've forgotten about or war or when least expects it. Obviously I peaked myself this time, but just wait. :)

Top comments

I mean, it's not like you're stuck. You might have to buy another closet door though. Probably worth six hours of freedom.


I mean, if she texted you then you have your phone. Call someone to come get you out. Karma is a bitch though.

How strong is a closet door hinge though, really?

haveyou000 22

You know what would've been worse? You locking yourself in the closet and having her show up at the house - but not before texting you the same thing.

These kind of doors are dangerous. What if kids play hide and seek and get stuck?

Wow! I can't believe this got posted so fast. I only posted it like 3 days ago. Let me just inform you all that I made it out, SAFE and with UNBROKEN doors. I texted a buddy of mine and he came and got me out, but not before making me listen to him tell me a plethora of gay jokes. It was worth it though because after I came out of the closet (ha ha) we had some beers and played video games for a few hours. And to answer some peoples' concerns, my girlfriend and I prank each other a lot. She pranks me more often than I prank her. Or she tries. I go for stelth and try to wait and do something when she thinks I've forgotten about or war or when least expects it. Obviously I peaked myself this time, but just wait. :)

I'm glad your friend safely got you out of the closet. I'm glad that your girlfriend and you have a healthy relationship with your prank wars. Just next time, find a safer place to hide. ;) 9

I think brain is a good stuff.

Looks like you needed a little help to...Come out of the closet. I will leave know.

Don't think many people find it easy coming out of the closet

Fatboy007 9

"My boyfriend is trapped in the closet" ???

"MOM! Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!" *R. Kelly starts playing*

Well, now you know that those doors open from the inside. But you still kinda deserve it, even if you and your gf have prank wars all the time.