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I have to do is dream

By violentdreamer - 17/08/2020 18:15

Today, when sleeping next to my girlfriend, I had a nightmare that she was yelling incessantly at me, making my "dream self" more and more upset. Just as my dream-frustration peaked and I began waking up from the nightmare, I accidentally hit her in the arm and face. Now she won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 875
You deserved it 432

snappleb7 tells us more.

This is OP - I made an account just to clarify that I do not have REM behavior disorder, thanks.

Top comments

Ambrily 27

**** him for something that was done unconsciously, ie out of his control and will? Wow...

but this post has way too little info to make a diagnosis Dr.fml


Mathalamus 24

Understandable why she won’t talk to you.

that's called REM behavior disorder and it's insanely dangerous and you might kill hey next time. most people don't have any clue they have it until someone is dead stop get help immediately

but this post has way too little info to make a diagnosis Dr.fml

This is OP - I made an account just to clarify that I do not have REM behavior disorder, thanks.

Marcella1016 31

Thanks for following up! I was wondering if you were hitting her in the dream and that’s how you ended up hitting her twice in your sleep? I imagine that’s why she was upset - she interpreted it that if you would hit her in a dream, you would hit her in real life. Sucks, though, that she stopped talking to you for something you did in your sleep. Did you guys make up? Hope it worked out for you, OP.

One would think you'd welcome the peace and quiet after she had been yelling at you incessantly.

That’s better than getting yelled at

Both my parents managed to smack each other a few times while dreaming or waking up. You're not alone.