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By pikimin - 10/10/2022 13:00

Today, one of my Economics students in all seriousness turned in a research paper about the 2021 Supply Chain Crisis, saying that Joe Biden is at fault and that "liberals who put feelings over policy" are to blame. He used sources such as the Daily Mail and even cited a YouTube video by Ben Shapiro. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 054
You deserved it 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And he'll received a serious F, I suppose. It's clear that the supply chain issues are caused by spoil-sport crybaby Trump and his sheep. They have to gum up the recovery caused by Trump's incompetence during the pandemic.

Marcella1016 31

To Abbusser (because I can’t reply directly to your comment) - Do you understand that classes in school and research papers are about facts, not feelings? Do you understand that a research report needs to use and distinguish between primary and secondary sources? Do you know what a reputable source is to use for citations? Suppose my science teacher asked me to write a report on how hot the sun is, and I cited a YouTube video from my 11-year-old son saying the sun is kind of hot and the Earth is flat? Should I get an A because my “opinion” is different? Do you understand how ******* school works? I’ll go even further. Fine. Let’s say my opinion is that Biden had a negative impact on the economy. I’d cite sources like White House and Congressional records of his policies, studies from credentialed economists interpreting how these policies impacted the economy, and draw lines and additional conclusions of my own connecting the data to my overall point about his negative impact on policy. That is how you write a paper, not linking to tabloids and YouTube videos. The fact that this needs to explained to anyone is an incredibly sad reflection of how the decades-long gutting of our educational system has failed so many. As far as the “feelings” part of this kid’s research paper...Jesus Christ what a stretch. Is this student 5 years old? Tell me the paper was submitted in crayon and you couldn’t color me shocked.


mattiagardin 15

Biden can't even manage to finish a sentence, imagine trusting him to pull up a nation

joseph_rod_05 14

isn’t Daily Mail a British news site? Blame Liz Truss then

To be honest, putting feeling over policy is better than making policies based on feelings. That said, I don't believe any american politician does either. They just repeat old mantras and refuse to think.

And he'll received a serious F, I suppose. It's clear that the supply chain issues are caused by spoil-sport crybaby Trump and his sheep. They have to gum up the recovery caused by Trump's incompetence during the pandemic.

Almost 50% saying YDI - lot of jawdragging conservatives on here I guess

Perhaps an assignment on media literacy would be worth while.

Marcella1016 31

To all the MAGA-loving knuckle-draggers the stink of bullshit in this FML has attracted...the global supply chain issues were literally caused by an unfathomable scale of global operations being disrupted by the pandemic. There’s a domino effect of shortages that cause the availability of goods from the bottom of the supply chain to the top to go down, and therefore cause prices to go up. Too many words for you to understand? TL;DR: MAGATS will say anything to damage their opponent and millions of you are ******* stupid assholes who can’t think your way out of a wet paper bag. “HURRDURR all politicians are BAD! But I vote republican till I die!” Learn to THINK. Not entirely your fault because you are the victims - yes, VICTIMS - of decades of brainwashing and indoctrination, but I’m sick of the rest of us suffering from your bullshit. Biden and Democrats are trying to HELP this country, while republicans are trying to tear it down. And to my disaffected liberals/Democrats? Let’s change the narrative from “HURRDURR both sides are bad” to “Neither side is perfect but republicans are literal ******* evil incarnate.” Yes, I’m sick of your shit too. WE are the majority, and your voter apathy hurts us too. Actual TL;DR: MAGAts can go **** yourselves. Get off social media and right wing fear-mongering news sites and pick up a ******* book.

Marcella1016 31

To Abbusser (because I can’t reply directly to your comment) - Do you understand that classes in school and research papers are about facts, not feelings? Do you understand that a research report needs to use and distinguish between primary and secondary sources? Do you know what a reputable source is to use for citations? Suppose my science teacher asked me to write a report on how hot the sun is, and I cited a YouTube video from my 11-year-old son saying the sun is kind of hot and the Earth is flat? Should I get an A because my “opinion” is different? Do you understand how ******* school works? I’ll go even further. Fine. Let’s say my opinion is that Biden had a negative impact on the economy. I’d cite sources like White House and Congressional records of his policies, studies from credentialed economists interpreting how these policies impacted the economy, and draw lines and additional conclusions of my own connecting the data to my overall point about his negative impact on policy. That is how you write a paper, not linking to tabloids and YouTube videos. The fact that this needs to explained to anyone is an incredibly sad reflection of how the decades-long gutting of our educational system has failed so many. As far as the “feelings” part of this kid’s research paper...Jesus Christ what a stretch. Is this student 5 years old? Tell me the paper was submitted in crayon and you couldn’t color me shocked.