Influencer in the wild

By Anonymous - 21/07/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date with this girl who turned up with bags of Instagram camera equipment. She photographed everything, the drinks, food, and yet we barely said a word to each other. In the end, I paid my half and left. She didn’t notice I’d gone for at least 15 minutes before texting me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 560
You deserved it 78

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would’ve gone as soon as I saw the equipment. ain’t nobody got time for that

And now she is probably going to post about how you 'just got up and left'.


I would’ve gone as soon as I saw the equipment. ain’t nobody got time for that

And now she is probably going to post about how you 'just got up and left'.

Probably she noticed when it was your turn to be pictured as part of the story. But seriously, when the other person is very much into some hobby, religion, work or anything else that occupy their free time. You either connect to it or it just doesn't work