Introverts can relate

By Anonymous - 26/09/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, all that I wanted for my birthday was for someone else to pick out a cake flavor, and to spend the day alone. I've been asked ten times what kind of cake I want, and my husband took a off work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 135
You deserved it 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll pick for you! Chocolate Deep'n Delicious cake! There! Now you can buy it yourself and eat it alone! Happy birthday!

Your husband has played this game before, he knows whatever flavour he chooses will be the wrong one won't it? You have people that love you and want to make you smile, that's a win :)


I'll pick for you! Chocolate Deep'n Delicious cake! There! Now you can buy it yourself and eat it alone! Happy birthday!

Wow. You have people who love you, and you're actually bitching about it. How do people like you even manage to get married? You sound absolutely miserable to be around.

Your husband has played this game before, he knows whatever flavour he chooses will be the wrong one won't it? You have people that love you and want to make you smile, that's a win :)