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By Anonymous - 29/08/2014 16:16 - United States - Port Lavaca

Today, it's been three weeks since my dad finished growing what he calls a "Jesus beard" and gone out asking for donations and claiming to be Jesus Christ. I've been trying and failing to get a job for 2 years, and he's already raking in cash from gullible idiots. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 199
You deserved it 3 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just wait until he starts selling bottles of water and claiming it's wine. That's really when the money will start flowing.

gjikvtj 18

"Laughed so hard my sombrero fell off and I dropped my taco" for those out of middle school


Screw the pain... join in OP, double the moolah coming in... You could be his "disciple" or the "Grandson of God"

19- nah, he should dress as the devil and they can put on a full show. That will really pull in money.

ArashiGirl 13

You had one job as first comment. One ******* job.

Just wait until he starts selling bottles of water and claiming it's wine. That's really when the money will start flowing.

RedPillSucks 31

Sometimes a fool deserves to be parted from their money

Gullible sure, but isn't that kind of pushing it? Unless they were kids I find it kind of hard to imagine...

Sometimes you just gotta blaspheme to get some change.

gjikvtj 18

"Laughed so hard my sombrero fell off and I dropped my taco" for those out of middle school

That's both dumb AND racist, just like Donald Trump!

cjwayy 22

It's not necessarily racist, it's just implementing a stereotype. Doesn't make it any better, though.

And I bet the taco people thing of are those lame crunchy ones

Thank you #17. As a Hispanic, I am not offended. Actually, I laughed.

He's one step away from starting a cult. Good for him!

Aiden Stubblefield 9

the catholics beat him to it.

#8 exactly. Not that it's "right", it's just nothing that hasn't been done on a multi-billion dollar scale.

PoisonOrchid 21

Wrong comment #49. Go home, you're drunk.

WaxenSecrets 5

I'm still drawing issue from the fact that he's using God as a tool to trick people for his own benefit. Be warned: if such a place as hell could exist, he'd be among the first in line to go there, along with all the others abusing religion and faith in the same way. And for what? A quick buck? Go make yourself an honest dollar, OP. Leave the Holy spirits out of this, literally for the love of God. You can't be out of a job forever and I'm sure something will come your way.

#76 your first sentence basically wraps up religion.

Your dad's doing nothing wrong. Bilking money out of gullible morons is the reason religion exists in the first place.

#8 He's absolutely doing something wrong. As are all those religions.

I completely agree with number 8, he's just hopped on the bandwagon of one of the largest industries in the world, wish I'd thought of it first lol

Well that's pretty rude and ignorant 8. I don't think it's fair for you to judge "all religions" like that. Yes, of course there are some like that, but I believe you would find that to be a very small percentage. Most religions and churches actually believe in something and there's no reason to make fun of someone for their beliefs. :)

Yes, religions (im not saying every single one, but I am saying most) do steal money from people and they control people, but a religion isn't what he's going to answer to. This is very wrong, and some day he will have to answer to someone who has nothing to do with religion, but who is very real, even if we believe it or not. I hope he stops cuz he might be doing this for a laugh to trick some gullible suckers, but he has no idea just how bad what he's doing really is.