It's called fashion, Deborah

By Fmyhair - 27/04/2009 18:39 - Norway

Today, I colored my hair. It was supposed to turn out blonde, but it became more a mix of red and brown and blonde patches. When I tried coloring everything back, a green tint was added. My hair is at the moment red, brown, blonde and green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 241
You deserved it 38 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure you're not a natural blonde?

trixr4kids 0


go to a salon, i guess. ydi for dying your hair. be happy with what you have

Join a punk rock group. you'll flourish.

You forgot the part where you have a "Job Interview" tomorrow.

that's not something that's easy to fail at. way to go, dumbass..

wowfmlife 0

YDI for dying your hair...especially trying to do it yourself This isn't really a FMl though, unless there was "an important job interview" or "my boyfriend dumped me"

Does anyone else read all FMLs in the same tone of voice? They all have the same sound to me.

Demonchild 0

Hmm... is it just me or do rainbow pubes look sexy.... you know kinda random.... but hot... D.C.

fi3ldhock3ybab33 8

Hahahahaha u stupid turd!!! Read the frikin box next time