By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 14:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend was wearing a new shirt he had bought over the weekend. It was really cute and I always borrow his shirts so I asked to borrow his new one. He replied with, "Okay but please don't stretch this one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 828
You deserved it 18 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everydayisFML 0

YDI... there is nothing more annoying than a girl who wears all her bfs clothes. They make girl clothes for a reason.

it's cos of boobs. i used to always borrow my brother's shirts and he'd get mad cos i "put boobs" in them.


ckydc 0

maybe he means your boobs? didn't think of that one huh?

G_thelegend 0

how can a guy's shirt be 'cute' i wear guys stuff cos it smells nommy :4

OP I think it's time to get your own clothes

ohh thats bad but funny awh he might me stretch from other things though.. lmao

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Well maybe if you know you're not the same size, you shouldn't borrow his clothes. but FYL for being bigger than your boyfriend. When you've reached that point..I think it's a hint that you need to diet

i think he meant her chest dude think bout that for a minute

not really. you can be big and be healthy you don't have to be skinny you dumb bi$"@

everydayisFML 0

YDI... there is nothing more annoying than a girl who wears all her bfs clothes. They make girl clothes for a reason.

skullbashd 3

could be a homosexual relation

No, it actually doesn't say that anywhere.

#178 it really does it's a woman who wrote this. Left side of her username, that symbol.

it's cos of boobs. i used to always borrow my brother's shirts and he'd get mad cos i "put boobs" in them.

stargirl14 0

it could have been worse instead of saying please dont strech it he should have said something like "get your own damn clothes bitch" lol

ZiggyMorrison 0

1. He prolly doesnt realize that if you have decent sized **** thats going to stretch it out 2. It could be a muscle shirt that guys like being skin tight and even if your only a little bit thicker than he is than it could stretch it out

Did you really just put "prolly"? That's not a fucken word!

Socrates_fml 0

definitely the boobs, unless u don't have them. no guy wants to walk around with a shirt hanging out in the front making it look like he has moobs. not a bad thing. if anything, be proud that ur boobs r too much for his shirts to handle

i like wearing my boyfriends clothes. but i don't normally stretch it out. and usually only sweatshirts when im cold. it sucks that he said that though. maybe he was trying to tell you something?