It's the thought that counts

By ohhotdamn - 19/04/2009 04:27 - United States

Today, for my mom's 50th birthday, all she wanted was a certain gold bracelet. It was too much money for me to buy, so I bought the same one in silver. Right before I gave it to her, my older sister gave her the gold bracelet, which made her cry. When I gave her my present, she just said, "Oh." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 863
You deserved it 5 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, what a bitch. She should have at least been grateful you spent your hard-earned money on pointless shit for her. You should have just taken it back from her if she is going to be so ungrateful.

you shouldve found out what your sister was going to get her, or you guys could've gotten it together


YDI for not collaborating with sis.

She's stupid. I never can decide between gold and silver!!! I'd be grateful to have both! :)

See... this is why most people discuss with family members as to what they are getting the celebrated individual... you could have paid for half the bracelet and your sister could have paid for the other half and you could have given it as a gift from BOTH of you... you would have BOTH saved money and you would have given a gift that was appreciated...

IsThisNameTaken 0

Take it back, and if she asks about it, say "Oh."

ridiculosity 0

Congrats, your mum's a bitch. =/

Jessyca_fml 0

LoL talk to your siblings first before you get your mom a present :/ Soo you can at least get a rough estimate on what everyone else is giving her. That totally sucks.

PurryLucy 0

Just be grateful that your sister couldn't have earned that money without giving out a ******* or two. And can't your mom ******* act just to make her kid feel better? I can't tell who's the bigger bitch right now, your sister, or your mom.

1. I highly dislike your mother. 2. Your sister should have let you know... 3. Silver is better, I don't understand why everyone wants gold.