Meritocracy is a myth

By Anonymous - 12/05/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, as I've always done, I worked extra hard to move up but was never able to in this podunk town, because you have to be related to get anywhere. My wife loves this town and didn't believe me until she got promoted at her work and her "friends" started treating her differently. Welcome to reality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 413
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have lived and worked in the US Midwest and as an engineer I had no trouble finding a job there, But, I discovered that if you hadn’t gone to high school there it was hard fitting in socially - Especially dating… Regions are different - Places like CA and FL and TX especially in the larger towns have a lot of people from somewhere else and they are used to new faces (but most of CA is hideously expensive)… In terms of work and jobs if you get training of some kind that comes at least with a certification or degree that is a very portable qualification that you can take anywhere. Or move somewhere where there are plenty of jobs looking for workers (like Huntsville AL where I now live) and a reasonable cost of living.


I have lived and worked in the US Midwest and as an engineer I had no trouble finding a job there, But, I discovered that if you hadn’t gone to high school there it was hard fitting in socially - Especially dating… Regions are different - Places like CA and FL and TX especially in the larger towns have a lot of people from somewhere else and they are used to new faces (but most of CA is hideously expensive)… In terms of work and jobs if you get training of some kind that comes at least with a certification or degree that is a very portable qualification that you can take anywhere. Or move somewhere where there are plenty of jobs looking for workers (like Huntsville AL where I now live) and a reasonable cost of living.