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No future

By singlegirl - 27/11/2009 18:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to my best friend's wedding. All my friends and their boyfriends were seated at one table, while I, as the only single girl in the group, was put on a table with all the other single people. They were all over forty years older than me. I feel like I have seen my future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 617
You deserved it 3 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

lol At least your FML didn't end with "And that didn't stop them from hitting on me. FML." :P

rockhopper 0

That must have sucked for the old folks too, being lumped together with other divorcees/widowers/widows - like they need a reminder of being on their own! Your friend is really inconsiderate!


More like ROTD. Did they put you "on" the table so you'd entertain the fogies?

No that's how seating usually goes at wedding. Sit couples, if there's leftover, then throw in the single friend. Maybe try to group singles who know each together if you can. If not, next time bring a date so you'll be with the couples. Hire someone if you have to.

starberries 0

No, it's rude. They could have found her a spot with people her own age. It was very inconsiderate.

jchansfan 0

lol At least your FML didn't end with "And that didn't stop them from hitting on me. FML." :P

The sad thing is that they were once married and now are either widowed or divorced.

well why r u writing this on this website when you could be out trying to actually get a boyfriend 

No, it's not. People hook up with people they meet at weddings, and sometimes end up getting married themselves.

rockhopper 0

That must have sucked for the old folks too, being lumped together with other divorcees/widowers/widows - like they need a reminder of being on their own! Your friend is really inconsiderate!

Agreed with 2, 3, and 6. Why do some people CARE SO MUCH about these things, anyway? Oh bawww I'm young and single, somehow this determines that I'll never get a boyfriend/girlfriend! I need someone to validate my being!

For real, people are in such a hurry to be paired up. Just remember guys, 50% of marriages end in divorce. So don't jump in too quickly.

the_raf 0

I'd panick if I were you, settle for the next ok thing that comes along

perdix 29

You must be one of these stuck-up bitches that has [airquotes] standards [/airquotes]. Lower them until you can find some douchebag in need of sex and sammiches. I could also read this to mean that you met Prince Charming at the "singles' table." It kinda worked for Anna Nicole Smith for a while, until it didn't. It may suck for you, but you could make some old guy VERY happy and let him shuffle off this mortal coil with a BANG and not a whimper. That could be good for some sweet cash! ;)

tayzer_fml 0

It's probably unwise to base the success of your life on whether or not you have a boyfriend.