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Our house, in the middle of our street

By Anonymous - 27/03/2021 20:59 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I realized I could say nothing in my home without being interrupted, talked over, or the subject derailed into a 30 minutes monologue by my housemates. And they wonder why I'm so quiet all the time… FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 488
You deserved it 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s life for most people. Everyone is interested in their own interests. You may have to be a bit more forward in discussing things that are of interest to you and not just expect everyone is going to be operating out of the etiquette book. My Mom is a big talker. As a teenager I learned that if I wanted to get a word in edgewise into a conversation I was going to have to interrupt her sometimes - Just as she did me. I learned that as long as I didn’t overdo it or be rude she didn’t seem to mind and she started listening to what I had to say. That was a professional life lesson - It served me well in my career. Sometimes you have to interject your own thoughts or observations when the conversation starts to wander to keep things on task. As long as you don’t overdo it and monopolize the conversation, people actually tend to respect you more than if you are always quite waiting for your turn. Try speaking up, it won’t hurt you.


bleachedraven 14

I feel bad for anyone who feels that way. 😥

That’s life for most people. Everyone is interested in their own interests. You may have to be a bit more forward in discussing things that are of interest to you and not just expect everyone is going to be operating out of the etiquette book. My Mom is a big talker. As a teenager I learned that if I wanted to get a word in edgewise into a conversation I was going to have to interrupt her sometimes - Just as she did me. I learned that as long as I didn’t overdo it or be rude she didn’t seem to mind and she started listening to what I had to say. That was a professional life lesson - It served me well in my career. Sometimes you have to interject your own thoughts or observations when the conversation starts to wander to keep things on task. As long as you don’t overdo it and monopolize the conversation, people actually tend to respect you more than if you are always quite waiting for your turn. Try speaking up, it won’t hurt you.

bleachedraven 14

You always have such thoughtful advice! I tend to be quiet myself because I don't want to be rude or appear argumentative, or I don't want what I say to be taken the wrong way, but at the same time I don't want to miss out. It's great to be around them though!

Marcella1016 31

Agree solid advice. I used to be the same way and basically just needed to be more assertive. I essentially was too “polite” and waited for a break in the conversation or a pause so I could speak or respond. And basically I could never ever get a word in edgewise. I still hate interrupting, but I’ve learned that in many, many cases it can be a necessary evil. In normal conversations, at work, etc. Just don’t go overboard and become rude with it or anything. And it’ll take practice. Your roommates will probably make good practice lol.

Warp1978 15

As JPS once said other people are hell. Sorry your stuck.