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By collegestudent - 01/06/2019 12:00

Today, I was reading the seventh Harry Potter book at an airport. A woman asked me what I was reading, so I told her. She said, "Oh, so you have children?" Since I'm in my early twenties, I was taken aback and said no. She replied slower and louder, "Oh, so you have a childlike mind?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 141
You deserved it 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her, slowly and very loudly, to **** off.

TomeDr 24

One of the most popular series of books on the planet and she’s making fun of you for reading them?? If she ever HAD read them, she’d realize how ingenious the author is.


Tell her, slowly and very loudly, to **** off.

TomeDr 24

One of the most popular series of books on the planet and she’s making fun of you for reading them?? If she ever HAD read them, she’d realize how ingenious the author is.

to be fair the books aren't that well written for adults. it's a kids / young adults book... but like who judges someone for reading? It's better than browsing facebook all day

I bet you she has a whole shelf of harlequin and thinks it’s the height of literary genius.

As someone who reads an average of 200 books a year from all categories and age levels, HP is better written than 90% of the crap written for adults.

Right, it's not like middle-grade and YA books are currently a huge market with adults buying/reading them almost as much as the actual target demographic. F this lady and her judgement of anyone's choice of reading material.

Voldemort kills Harry. Hermione marries Snape. Ron Weasley takes over Hogwarts and turns it into a casino and Super Wal-Mart. Oops, I meant to say “Spoiler Alert” first.

I have all seven books on my phone, and I read them all fairly regularly. Good books.

Some people just don'g understand. I was in a public area watching the Incredibles 2. Had my headphones on. A woman came up to me and asked me the time. She then asked me what I was watching. When I told her, she just shook her head and walked away. By the way, I am 70 years old and the oldest kid I know.

Nhayaa 21

I find it very funny how people try to spoil in the comments... but he never said he was reading it for the first time and the movies are out for a while now so...

AddictgirL 7

so adults can't read fantasy book? even when wrote firstly for children the seventh book is definitely not for small kids. what an ass -_-

When I was in high school, every Friday in my English class we had “free reading day” which I loved. I was on the 6th book of the series, and she approached me and told me I was too old to be reading it and couldn’t anymore. And the worst part is that she had the series in her classroom.