Pretty much

By JustAScreen - 15/01/2022 19:59 - Denmark - Aarhus

Today, I was at a family birthday, and was excitingly telling my aunt about my new career in IT Security and Data Management. Her response was, "So you just look into a screen all day?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 955
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

" I look at my keyboard to see what I'm typing, smart-ass!"

To say it in such a derogatory way, yes. Most non-manual jobs nowadays consist in staring at a screen all day anyway.


randybryant799 20

To say it in such a derogatory way, yes. Most non-manual jobs nowadays consist in staring at a screen all day anyway.

" I look at my keyboard to see what I'm typing, smart-ass!"

JustAScreen 10

Every once in a while I'm looking at the report papers too

Sadly, she's not wrong (speaking as a software engineer for a major telecom company)

JustAScreen 10

My grandpa backed me up by saying "Yeah of course, just like the ship captains, all they do is look out the window"

Your aunt is right, and 5-10 years you’ll be wishing that you chose a different career.

JustAScreen 10

Nah mate, this field suits me well. It just sucked that a family member didn't see the importance of it, and disregarded it just because she's a nurse that doesn't "look into a screen all day", ya know? It has taken me quite a while to figure out what to do with my life, and I'm finally happy with what I've chosen. Which made it suck even more that she said it like that.

"That's okay, I know it's hard when you're older and don't understand how technology works. See, the screen is a magic window into the inner workings of my company, where the actual work gets done and tells all the other people, who aren't looking at the magic window, what they do all day. I know it can be hard to understand--you might try some basic computer literacy classes so you, too, can look in the magic window."