Scammers gonna scam
By BlackHoleSun. - 05/06/2022 16:00
By BlackHoleSun. - 05/06/2022 16:00
By Anonymous - 18/09/2010 05:39 - United States
By tjm - 23/12/2010 06:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/12/2022 10:00
By perpetuallyscrewed - 06/10/2009 04:06
By a fat fucking shit and proud of it - 28/06/2014 19:09 - United Kingdom - Camberley
By Jobless - 27/04/2017 14:00
By Anonymous - 02/02/2023 02:00 - Norway - Stavanger
By Anonymous - 19/04/2021 23:00 - United States - Kissimmee
By Anonymous - 20/08/2018 08:30 - United States - Brick
By dontplaywithmyfeelings - 03/03/2015 01:42 - Canada - Edmonton
Why the hell would someone go to the trouble of creating a fake job posting? What is it these weirdos want for that?
They scam the person by sending a check that hopefully can get "cleared" and have them go buy supplies to be sent somewhere or "overpay" them and request money back. Meanwhile, the check actually bounces and the scammed individual is on the hook for the money. The scammer gets the goods or money and on to the next victim! They also have the person's personal info to start messing up their credit! Pretty shitty situation because they prey on desperate people with the promise of a good payday.
“Indeed” is the name of a job posting website. Apparently the job OP found was through Indeed, but it was all smoke and mirrors. Any kind of remote job you find online, look into the company and verify. There’s so many scams and scammers out there, and they don’t care who they screw over or how badly they mess up your life. They’re ruthless.
Why the hell would someone go to the trouble of creating a fake job posting? What is it these weirdos want for that?
They scam the person by sending a check that hopefully can get "cleared" and have them go buy supplies to be sent somewhere or "overpay" them and request money back. Meanwhile, the check actually bounces and the scammed individual is on the hook for the money. The scammer gets the goods or money and on to the next victim! They also have the person's personal info to start messing up their credit! Pretty shitty situation because they prey on desperate people with the promise of a good payday.