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By a fat fucking shit and proud of it - 28/06/2014 19:09 - United Kingdom - Camberley

Today, it's been less than a week since I finally got a job, after over a year of searching. I just found out that there's about to be a wave of layoffs. I haven't even gotten my first paycheck, and already I'm going to lose my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 393
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't know that yet OP!!! Don't lose hope, and outwork the other workers. If you give up just because you heard of this "wave" you are going to be demotivated, and coworkers and your bosses will easily detect that demotivation, and then you really are ******!

If he was hired recently enough that he hasn't even received a paycheck, the odds of him being laid off are slim. He was most likely hired with other new people to replace people that have been there the companies about to lay off / fire.


You don't know that yet OP!!! Don't lose hope, and outwork the other workers. If you give up just because you heard of this "wave" you are going to be demotivated, and coworkers and your bosses will easily detect that demotivation, and then you really are ******!

If he was hired recently enough that he hasn't even received a paycheck, the odds of him being laid off are slim. He was most likely hired with other new people to replace people that have been there the companies about to lay off / fire.

I'm sure somewhere there are employment laws somewhere that are relevant to OP's case.

Depends if it's an at will company / state or not. If it is then it doesn't matter they can fire you for any reason they choose.

That would be true, if OP were in the US. At will doesn't exist her in the UK. They could pay them off, but only if they made the role redundant. Working time directives protect workers in the UK from at will firing.

Oops, didn't even look at the region. Thanks for that tidbit, wasn't aware :).

That sucks OP. Hopefully they'll skip over you!

maggiefox 25

I wish you best of luck :(

Go out searching straight away.Dont lie back!.Sorry OP

He didn't get laid off yet. He could still have his job.

if he started looking, anticipating being fired, the bosses might find that and definitely lay him iff.

i know how you feel OP. i started a job and a month and a half later i lost it. dont worry youll find another one if you do.

keep your head up, OP. you'll find a job soon. btw, I think your username is awesome

ScottVining 21

Good luck I hope you keep your job!

It's ok OP, you don't know for a fact that you will be laid off, even if you are, there are still many other options, just keep your head up.

Props to you OP for trying to find work. Many people would just give up. Keep trying, it'll work out soon enough. With that work ethic people will want to employ you!!

91hayek 31

Well after a year you got a job, which the odds of which are pretty low. The odds of you not getting laid off may be lower, but hey, you've survived this far so there's no harm in believing you won't, and working until that decision is made. One thing at a time. Deal with it with the fighting spirit with which you dealt with your unemployment; keep fighting OP.