Splitting hairs

By hairycarrie - 28/08/2020 04:49 - United States

Today, although the I’ve always kept my pubic hair neat and trimmed, my boyfriend once again complained that I don’t shave. When I told him that shaving is uncomfortable and risks ingrown hairs, he sulked and said, “But it’ll look so much better!” He needs to lay off the porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 259
You deserved it 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you’ll do it if he shaves his pussy too.

We (my husband and I) discovered that waxing us WAY better. Now I'm doing laser hair removal. The bottom line though, it's your body. Tell him to get over it and to stop pressuring you.


Tell him you’ll do it if he shaves his pussy too.

xxlk4xx 6

tell him to shave HIS Bush and see just how itchy and uncomfortable it is! that and you're meant to have hair or it wouldn't be there :)

We (my husband and I) discovered that waxing us WAY better. Now I'm doing laser hair removal. The bottom line though, it's your body. Tell him to get over it and to stop pressuring you.

Mathalamus 24

Maybe he just doesn’t like the hair at all.

peithecelt 28

doesn't matter, it's not his body, so what she does with it should be for her own comfort.

Mooglefox 23

I prefer my women with some hair down there.

Shaving shouldn't be uncomfortable. Maybe try adjusting your method.

xxlk4xx 6

I feel like shaving isn't that uncomfortable, it's just the day or so AFTER you shave, especially during summer time, its itchy and awful feeling in the summer lol

It’s not like the only choices are Jungle Canopy and Kindergartner.

genuinegoodguy 9

Don’t be surprised if he dumps you

peithecelt 28

and he's going to dump her because he's a neanderthal who doesn't deserve a woman who knows how to make decisions about her own body? sounds like he's not much of a loss.

rotflqtms_ 21

If he can't take you as you are, he can take a hike. Tell him to shave his genitals, legs and arm pits daily and see if it's something he likes doing. If he refuses, ask him why the double standard. It's your body and your choices. While I do shave, it's my choice, and if I choose to let it grow a little, that's my choice too. I do it in the shower just to make it a habit. But I'm not gonna be there shaving my legs unless I feel like it. My leg hair doesn't really grow anyway, so I'm lucky like that. But even if it did, still my body, my choice.