
By not_very_smart - 24/07/2013 06:44 - United States

Today, it was so hot in the un-airconditioned gym that when I got up off the floor, I slipped in my own pool of sweat and got a concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 688
You deserved it 4 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i have never seen anybody sweat that much before. i would assume you were literally sweating enough to fill buckets

for your consideration; the following comments have/will never been/be funny;--Shitty situation--sticky situation--slippery situation--etc..please stop posting comments like these for the sanity of others. thank you very much.


Don't sweat it, OP, I'm pretty sure you have enough liquid assets salted away that you're not going to be drained by the medical bills press-pired into your damp palms.

Wizardo 33

This is when you start asking yourself why not have PE lessons outdoors?

wrwrestler13 4

At least you're at the gym! Try doing more weights tho and sprinting/high intensity cardio, the whole zumba/yoga thing really doesnt do a whole lot to get you in shape. (And I assume she was doing zumba/yoga because those types of classes are the ones that have you on the floor, that and ab work)

Actually, Zumba has you on your feet the entire time.

#24 You obviously haven't tried Zumba before

football98_fml 20

well, now you know that youre gettin somewhere...

I think your username should be not_very_lucky, instead of not_very_smart.

I guess you could say you're drop-dead hot.

That sucks OP, hope it gets better soon.