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By bcoper - 20/02/2010 14:03 - United States

Today, I was in pain due to overdoing it at the gym yesterday, so I thought a hot shower might help. Not only was there no hot water because of my sister's hour long showers, but I slipped getting out and hit my head. Now the pain is worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 397
You deserved it 3 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FireNinja 3

girls: take forever in the bathroom, take forever getting ready, AND take forever talking on the phone. FYL indeed. next time I recomend turning hot water on only ( I have a bro who uses all hot water in morning) and wait a bit and then feel to see if it's hot or cold. if hot, turn cold water on. if cold. no shower. hopefully you got revenge on your sis. I would.


FireNinja 3

girls: take forever in the bathroom, take forever getting ready, AND take forever talking on the phone. FYL indeed. next time I recomend turning hot water on only ( I have a bro who uses all hot water in morning) and wait a bit and then feel to see if it's hot or cold. if hot, turn cold water on. if cold. no shower. hopefully you got revenge on your sis. I would.

greeneyedgoalie7 0

yepp blanketttt is right I was replying to the other one, now I just look retarded lol but ooh well

Hour long showers? This seems like a perfect video recording session. *Grins like a randy bastard*

maltam123 0

I'd it weird tht I never run out of hot water in my house? or tht even if the toilet is flushed the water stays the same tempurature? 21st century maybe?

SLKBlack96 5

ever heard of pain relievers?

sucks to suck. the best thing to do for sore muscles is work out some more. trust me I'm in high school football with a crazy workout coach.

my sisters a bitch too and my family Is mad at her at the time

greeneyedgoalie7 0

second actually lol good try though(:

Averizzle 0

You're not even second, you're 5th and you just replied tithe first comment like me.

I think she was replying to the commenter above her that was moderated. I don't think she thought she was second.

Wow I thought the pain would have gotten better. Who knew that slipping and hitting your head would be painful.

honestlove11 0

actually cold water or ice helps with sore muscles, not hot. so maybe the cold was good :) ha idk just trying to be optimistic ? as for your head.. yep that sucks.

flush the toilet the next time your sis is in the shower

mackenzieex3 0

that sucks op.. :/ but atleast you'll look great! :)

toni27 0

who ever chose YDI is an idiot. How is there fault!!

MadaZer0 8

I guess those people are just assholes. I bet if my FML said something like this: "Today, while walking towards my house a random person comes from behind me and shoots me. FML" I would get at least a couple YDI for getting shot, for walling towards my house, for having a house, for saying random and other stupid excuses to give YDI.

Averizzle 0

They would say ydi for being black like me my friend.

or they could say YDI for going to the gym. seems like a troll move to me

Malinkrot 3

"YDI for going to the gym, only obnoxious dumb frat guys do that, intellectuals like me spend all their time inside taking webcam pictures for my internet friends and updating my Myspace"

Or maybe it's because some of us have very low opinions of people who knowingly overwork themselves. *eyeroll*

that would be a YDI for not watching your six :P

ydi for being a puss after workin out. man up and don't complain

why does it seem 1/4 of FMLs are of people either slipping in or coming out of the shower or something else to do with the bathroom?

Crush89 0

Then he is halfway to growing a pussy, one hole is prison is much the same as the next.

Well I hope you get better, take some pain pills. that should make you feel better:) RI

I feel your pain. My brother takes hour long showers too.

I've heard it's better to take a cold shower or bath after the gym because the pores are open and you're most likely to develop bacteria (pimples, etc.)

BiH_Sinan 0

Well #14, if he were to take a cold shower, his pores would just close, and possibly trapping the bacteria inside of them. Using hot water to wash himself with and then rinse with cold water would be a better idea.

I'm just saying that's what I heard. but what u said makes more sense. :)