Temper tantrum

By "QueenCortana Tiffany Turner" - 07/02/2020 14:00

Today, the cops were called to my apartment because my daughter had a temper tantrum while I was at work. She was naked when they were there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 345
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This needs more context. How old is she? Was she home alone at the age of 2? What was the tantrum about?

If the cops were called, that sounds like more than a tantrum. You should probably watch that, regardless of her age.


This needs more context. How old is she? Was she home alone at the age of 2? What was the tantrum about?

How old is she? This could be a kids will be kids thing or a she needs to grow up thing if she’s a teen.

If the cops were called, that sounds like more than a tantrum. You should probably watch that, regardless of her age.

I can totally see this happening. My 2yo can scream for an hour when overtired (not staying up an hour late but like after a three day trip to grandma). Also, clothes are a mean of torture.

Depending on age, you may want to get her looked at. You set children, this can be a sign of so many things. Older probably could at least use a therapist to talk to, as it could be a sign of mental illness. Some kids come off as brats when they just don’t have the words to say what they are going through. For me, screaming over certain clothes and refusing to wear them was an early symptom of an autoimmune that was missed until my 30’s. Lack of early treatment allowed it to advance enough for me to have a heart attack shortly after diagnosis. My many bipolar signs were also ignored by doctors. Maybe if I was able to get treated then, it wouldn’t be such a struggle now.

shes 3 she wasn't alone and yes the cops get called for tantrums neighbors suck

rotflqtms_ 21

Of all the sections, FML decided to put this in the intimacy section...smh for a toddler

J15237 25

We need the age of the daughter please. If she was a younger child then who ever was watching your daughter seriously ****** up and needs to loose their job. If your daughter is older then you have one ****** up situation on your hands.