By fml - 27/03/2011 01:28 - United States

Today, after 3 years at my job I received a 14% raise. I was informed I will be transitioned from hourly to salary. I will now be making $1500 LESS than I made last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 672
You deserved it 3 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start stealing office supplies and sell them on the black market to regain the money you lost. It's the only way, I'll pray for you.

At least you have a job, and are still making money.


JennWoo 0

Wow. All of that looks like a fabulous example of why word problems suck. Do you at least get better benefits or a company car or expense account or ANYTHING? My mobile won't let me view previous comments so apologies if this has been asked and answered already.

if you got paid vacation for being salary that would be a bonus.

honestly i think you should quit bitching when u atleast still have a job. i been laid off over 2 years now ran out of unemployment im to broke to relocate and no luck getting a job

Get off the Internet and get a job? FMLs don't pay the bills sunshine.

Ditto, actually. >_< I've applied to literally over 400 places in the past two years, but I can count on two hands the number of interviews I've been on. Thankfully I'm an illustrator so I can make a couple bucks here and there, but if I lived on my own, I would totally be homeless and screwed right now. I'm about to go back to college so I get some money out of that instead. :/

ya umm guys its really easy for u to say come to my town and try to get job you dont know how hard it is so STFU both of u. and u stupid ass grammer nazi just to let u know i have good grammer but it's FML who the hell cares if my grammer is correct or not so go to hell grammer nazi

Honestly, it's hard to find any sort of sympathy for someone who doesn't care about the language they use to communicate with other people, despite the fact that they use it inevitably any time they're around another person. Maybe your attitude is what's keeping you from finding any decent work, hm?

Just because this change could help OP later on, doesn't really mean they deserve it. For now, FTH, but if it is successful then the OP is lucky.

silver_85 0

that's actually pretty good. yes you make less and that bites but that also means you get paid the same even if you miss a few days of work. it's a more stable. fun to take advantage of!

this is normal due to leave entitlements you get as a salary employee in some countries. could work out better for people who actually take leave or get sick a lot.

that's not that bad I lost 20,000 a year, I've been working there for 10 years and I have 3 kids

DialecticChaos 0

when you go from hourly to salary don't you get more benefits and such? and don't you get more overtime?

More benefits maybe but going salary means NO overtime. You might work more overtime but you get paid the same regardless of your hours hence "salary"...