By Anonymous - 04/05/2011 18:05 - United States
Same thing different taste
Shite day
By Anonymous - 26/06/2023 13:00 - Pakistan - Gujranwala
By Anonymous - 17/05/2012 21:54 - United States - Spring
Seeing is believing
By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 10:46 - Sweden
By twoheadedboy - 06/05/2009 20:46 - Canada
Leave it to the pros
By Anonymous - 05/11/2021 00:01 - United States - Epsom
By corleon198425 - 19/02/2010 18:44 - United States
Double trouble
By Anonymous - 11/08/2012 06:21 - United States - Yucaipa
By abc123 - 16/12/2013 16:44 - United States - Marysville
Bad start to the day
By Concussed - 17/01/2010 06:22 - Australia
By vegantreegirl - 04/02/2019 20:00
Top comments
You're cool.
FIRST... to be lame.
It was written in sarcasm.
haha your awesome for being first!
Good job. I gave you a thumbs down too.
19.. lol I'm sure people found you annoying too
Way to point out the obvious, 32;).
35.. haha thanks ;)
I think the only person you're alienating is yourself you stupid ****.
40 that's uncalled for
Oh yet another picture of abs... lol oh so funny.
40 - Honestly. Does calling someone a **** make you feel big about yourself? No need to be rude.
43 haha I think most pictures on fml are of abs lol :D
Good part is: when you cry, there will be bubbles (:
you're not supposed to wear contacts in the shower.
You're not suppose to let them get stuck in your eye either. What if it melted into your eye, and you got super powers? Your power could be that you can look at a person and see the dumbest thing they did that day. Oh boy, I hope I never run into you.
Where's Professor X, Cyclops?
Where's Professor X, Cyclops?
I know right!!! lol
I know right!!! lol
I know right!!! lol
#80; The "do you see this" sounds like you are grabbing for attention under 2's comment. I gave her comment a thumbs up already.
but the latter part of your comment doesn't have anything to do in response to 2, so in a sense you also just posted to get your comment to the top....
sticky situation
haha , I'm a guy (: .
I'm commenting all over the place on this FML. I'm sorry for putting my comment at the top in reply to the person under #2. The rest of my comment was just a random thought at the time.
Oh shit you are a guy. My bad. Haha
anyways.. I wear contacts and your not supposed to wear them in the shower.. or if your going to get water in your eyes..
#109, what are you laughing at? :D
113 at your comments lol
is it bad I'm tempted to put soap in my eyes so I can cry bubbles?
use bleach to get it out
damn 11
I f**king love bubbles. Like that moodlet on Sims 3 when you're in the hot tub and it's all like "Ooooh... Buuuuubbles...". I wish I could cry bubbles
169 - what kind of contact do you have?!?!? if the anyones contact gets wet it either moves or falls ofd not ckrack in your eye... im sorry it just doesnt seem possible, unless u have glass contacts
169, ur eye is has water on it or tears or something. im guessing ur talking temp. wise?
uhmm .. they can obviously get wet ... you put them In contact solution when you take them out which is "wet"
Well 2 sorry I'm a little late but I ******* love your picture there buddy.!! ;D
I wish I could cry bubbles, problem is my eyesight is too sharp. :(
203 haha your pic is hilarious! :)
and tears are pretty wet
you get over it eventually
yeah it was never really weird for me because I can touch my eye without it hurting..
245- I think ur one of the few ppl who I think cud pull off a septum peircing sorry just thought id point it out u shud think about getting one if ur into peircings lol
253.. I follow that rule
203: I rather enjoyed that one.
80 I agree with you. people need to learn not to attention seek by just posting something unrelated on the first comment. attention seekers
damn #132... you fine lol
I thought that initially, but with practice you can put them in comfortably and first time
mah nickname is Bubblez
Favourited the FML just for this comment
it's more of a choice it's safer not to I wear mine I n the shower
Extremely hard days at work usually are...
that was stupid and made no sense
you don't shower with contacts in...
I wear my glasses in the shower, so that I can see the bugs I'm grooming out of my fur.
Oh shit that's awful.
The ****??
Ouch! I hate when I get shampoo in my eyes. That hurts.
Does this happen often?
Yeah, I hate it too. I remember getting the L'oreal no tear shampoo for kids. Lying bitches. I still ******* cried.
lol... oh. Well in that case, I feel for ya.
Agh! Don't believe them! They always lie when they say no tears.
Indeed they do. You'd think I would have learned by now and stopped getting it in my eyes on purpose.
Maybe you'll grow immune to it after you burn your eyes enough! ;)
Hmm, I never thought of it in that way. I shall continue splashing away. :D
Good idea!
Actually, it's probably a terrible idea. But let me know how it works out for you! ;)
So far no difference. :D Ah, White Sox fan? Just when I thought you were cool...
Oh no... don't tell me you're a Cubs fan...
Lmao, do the Cubs even have fans still? Braves fan, Braves fan. Even with the shitty record they have.
oh nvm I just saw you're a Braves fan. I'm okay with that... I'm a Chipper Jones fan.
I'll have more respect for the White Sox if they either place first in Central, or get the wildcard and kick the Indians out this year.
Don't count on it. They can't seem to win a game with an amazing roster... lol we shall see what happens.
Gah, I know what you mean... Fackin Braves.
not a chat site.
You boys and your baseball..
I like the Reds. Yeah...
#167, if you know a thing or two about baseball you can always join the conversation. :D
Blue jays!!
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but...... I'm a Mariners fan. *walks away with head down in shame*
I don't mind the Blue Jays. They have Escobar; he didn't do too much for us towards the end, but he sure is helping your team.
Cardinals kicked Brave's ass the other day... More than once.
Sheesh, it's a pitcher we need. That and for everyone to have their bat going at the same time. Heyward, McCann, Prado, and Uggla are doing legit. Our closers have been sucking ass though.
I'm a cubs fan. Any of you got a problem with that?
Haha. I'm surprised you don't have a problem with that. :P
I had a relative in the Cubs.
whoa. hello beautiful
YDI!! grow up man!!!
ur a douche that ***** painful!
I ******* love your picture Megz.
megz!! you have same birthdate as me OMFG!!! :D we rule!
#7-how about you grow up first
noo. he isnt a douche. i vote YDI. youre not supposed to shower with your ******* contacts in. anyone who has contacts would know. (me) if you dont know that, gtfo.
Megz has same birthdate as mmeee
#320, you can shower with contacts in
at least u have permanent good eye sight :)
just wondering? why r u taking a shower with your contacts on? not trying to be mean! just asking
I do it all the time... it's usually not a problem. unless of course you get soap in your eyes. In that case, YDI.
I always put my contacts in before I take a shower, but if I don't I'm pretty much blind.
me tooooo:)
some people do shower with contacts in cuz they dont feel like takin them out then puttin them in 10-15 minutes later
She may b new to contacts. Who knows. >.>
I have to shower with mine in. Blurryness + Steam = Me somehow getting hurt.
how on earth!!! that's awful fyl

Good part is: when you cry, there will be bubbles (:
you're not supposed to wear contacts in the shower.