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By needagoodlaugh - 10/11/2016 01:58 - United States - West Linn

Today, after complaining about the clocks still being an hour ahead from daylights savings, my work finally changed the time on all the clocks in the building. Now all the clocks are two hours ahead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 834
You deserved it 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, more math for everyone! I bet you're now regretting learning what 'x - 2' meant back in high school, OP.


Ah, more math for everyone! I bet you're now regretting learning what 'x - 2' meant back in high school, OP.

Switch it to two hours before the actual time so everyone thinks they're late

Spring forward, fall forward. In a few years, you'll be doing some real time travel.

Actually no we can't. They are up high and would require a ladder to get to. Safety regulations forbid us from doing that.