By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 17:08 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after months of exercise and diets and finally reaching my ideal weight, I told my morbidly obese cousin about my success, hoping to motivate him to do the same. He replied, "Why would it matter, you're still ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 385
You deserved it 5 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's just jealous. Don let it get to you. Good job on your success!

CommentModerated 17


Keep at it. It only gets better the further you make it.

Tysia159 4

How did you do it? Give me some advice! And congrats :)

Tysia159 4

How did you do it? Give me some advice! And congrats :)

**** his opinion. I'm sure you look great!

Been there, done that. No matter your intentions, people generally perceive this type of advice as self-centered. In other words, it is like saying "look what I did. If you try hard, you might be as good as me". If the person wants to know, they will ask. Its not like they don't know they are obese/smoke too much/spend too much/ etc.

sims_addict16 19

The fact you were motivated enough to lose weight in the first place says a lot about you. Negativity is all around, just pride yourself with your accomplishment :)

Shepardspie71 8

Mind your business. Your better then his fat ass now??

Usually when people react like rhis is because they are jealulous of your achivments..... Congrats OP!

That's a horrible thing for him to say, though I can see how your cousin could mistake your attempt to motivate him for a personal attack, his weight may be a touchy subject! Good job btw!