By lorb101 - 29/04/2015 15:34 - Australia - Mount Waverley

Today, after recently getting my car fully serviced and fixed, the horn has decided to spontaneously beep. To stop the beeping I have to press the horn hard, making it look like I'm purposely doing it to piss people off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 975
You deserved it 2 334

lorb101 tells us more.

I booked in next week to get it looked at- hopefully it behaves until then!! It just gets super awkward because I'm a 22 year old female and so not the usual candidate for a cheeky drive by beeping!! Thanks for all your concern guys!! Xxx

Top comments

Take it back to them and explain. Hopefully you won't get too many dirty looks :)

They may have messed up on the wiring when fixing the other problems. If you go back in, I'm sure they would be happy to fix it!


Take it back. Since it's accidental, they should fix it up.

Just smile and wave. They'll think you're being friendly.

Open up the fuse box and disconnect it until you can get it properly fixed.

You should smile and wave at the people who look at you, at least then they will think you know each other and hopefully not be so pissed at you.

I've had it to where my car horn would beep when I turned on my blinkers

Might be a loose ground wire. I've had the same problem on a truck.