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By sigh... - 25/06/2010 06:44 - United States

Today, after several hours of trying to get my triplet daughters to go to bed, they finally fell asleep. Exhausted, I went to the bathroom so I could go to bed. Not thinking about it, I dropped the toilet seat down rather loudly and flushed the toilet. All three girls woke up crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 479
You deserved it 117

Top comments

you were a condom? was this in a past life?

Oof, that's rough! Have you tried just letting them cry it out and fall asleep? I promise it won't give them abandonment issues. If you've checked everything--fed, dry, safe/healthy, and comfortable--then they should be okay to just cry until they sleep. Just be sure to check on them ninja-style periodically.


3 girls?The next many years of your life are going to suck so much.

lololol247 0

hahaha thanks.I named him Jeff Rosenstock.If you want a narwhal tattoo then get one.=]

If you know who Jeff Rosenstock is then you are so awesome!

lololol247 0

I know Jeff :D am I awesome too?!?! :D I think I want the exact same tattoo right above my heart. Like seriously.

You are indeed awesome too.Jeff is like my favorite person.But please don't get the exact same one.It would suck to know you got someone else's tattoo.Ask your tattoo artist to come up with a cool narwhal design.=]

lololol247 0

Bomb the music industry. People just don't know how to appreciate good ska :) My tat plans are a treble clef and a bass clef twisted to make a peace ribbon on my shoulder, and along my arm, I get a really painful tribal one from Tahiti. Then I think I might get 2 narwhals crossing their horns at the middle of my chest..

shit cool!I only have four.I have a mondrian painting on my shoulder.A Radiohead symbol on my wrist.The Narwhal.And the words"I exist" on the back of my neck. The narwhal hurt the most so watch out for the chest painXDAnd BtMI! is such a good band!So is ASOB!

I can't imagine how I'd even be able to function. Triple the bottles, triple the diapers, triple the crying...and then when they start crawling and walking....aaaah nightmare OP, I do not envy you!

Just wait till it's triple the tampons, triple the acne cream, triple the horny 15 year old boyfriends... *shudder*

damador 0

Kids will tire themselves out. You should make them play extra hard, that way you will have em snoring by 7 o'clock.

if they wake up crying from the toilet slamming they're probably too young to really 'play' much

lololol247 0

Ice_rose, does anti-flood not restrict how many comments you make? Haha you're like Hannah Montana products... You're everywhere...

53 anti-flood only restricts time. posts have to be more than a minute apart. it does not restrict how many posts u make.

Kc1001 14

# 30 Have you ever watched a child grow up. they start playing after about 4 months. and it only takes about a year to learn how to walk.

ArtIsResistance7 1

Just go outside. Nature is humankinds wastebasket. Just look at the Gulf...

And that is why I'm never having children.

I'm second guessing having kids now....

authorkid 2

don't! I've done this with my little cousins before who are only twins, and they usually just fall back asleep after a little while

YDI. kids suck the life out of you...I am smart and don't have any!

dynky 3

so you shouldn't have had them. it makes me sad that so many people give up the opporunity to enjoy their own lives by having kids. it seems so ungrateful for the gift of being alive if you choose to waste the best years of it sleep-deprived and wiping up someone else's shit.

authorkid 2

I really wish your parents had looked into abortion

sistine_chapel 2

That's a very selfish way to look at having kids. What if your parents said that? Where would you be? If having children is something that you wouldn't choose for yourself, then it's your choice and your problem for being too immature to raise children. For a lot of people, having children is very rewarding. Yes, parents have to go through some yucky stuff, but that doesn't even compare to the love and joy they receive from their children. Don't turn any topic about children into a blanket statement. Just because it isn't what would choose doesn't mean EVERYONE has to follow you. Ironic, really, that you would mention "the gift of life" when you're trying to convince someone why they shouldn't have had their children. I think you would find, if you looked around for a half a second, that people's lives are enhanced, rather than destroyed, by their children.

sistine_chapel 2

I am pro-choice, thank you very much. I respect everyone's choice to have children or to not have children or to have an abortion. I am mad at #55 for disrespecting someone's choice to have children, not at the fact that he doesn't want children.

@ #51 - You do realize, don't you, that by your standards nobody would get the chance to enjoy the "gift of being alive" because their would-be parents would have been too selfish to give it to them. That is such a ridiculous thing to say.

@ #61 - Oh the nerve of those people. How dare they pray outside the place where unborn children are murdered EVERY SINGLE day to pray that people will realize what they are doing and stop. In the vast majority of cases, abortion is a quick and easy way to get out of taking responsibility for your actions. And in every case, it is killing a human being.

sistine_chapel 2

A woman has a right to choose what she does with her body. There are many reasons why a woman might want to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion can be ethically, morally and lawfully rationalized. Don't disrespect another's decision. You have no idea what the woman has been through and why she wants an abortion.

I am not disrespecting anyone. I am simply saying that abortion is murdering a child. If you think that that can be justified by anything, that is your perrogative.

Abortion is bad, but making it illegal will just result in dumpster babies or "homemade" abortions. Take the lesser of two evils. Not to mention stem cell research. I think pro-life activists should direct their attention toward people wanting to get abortions rather than the process itself. These kind of people wouldn't stop just because it became illegal.

sistine_chapel 2

Abortion is not murdering a child. A fetus is nothing more than a jumble of multiplying cells. It hardly resembles a human being. Should a woman fertilize every one of her eggs and mourn every time she has a period? An egg is half of a baby, half of a human being. Should a man make sure every one of his sperm fertilize an egg? Isn't it murder when people are careless with their reproductive cells?

And that is your opinion, but there are a lot of people who believe that the statement "abortion is murderering a child" is incorrect. It depends on when you think life really begins and that is different for everyone. Abortion doesn't need to be "justified", as you put it. A woman has the right to make that decision any time she wants, whether she has a "valid" reason or not.

Freeze, a LOT of pro-lifers do focus on the women themselves, by running hotlines, crisis pregnancy centers, helping with the adoption placement process, etc. I would guess that there are far more of those people than the ones who spend their lives protesting and attacking the clinics or doctors. I'm generally anti-abortion too, with possible exceptions for cases of rape and when the mother's life is threatened. I don't think there's a chance in hell that Roe vs. Wade will ever be overturned though, and prefer to spend my time helping the people involved. Also, I take offense at those who say people who choose not to have kids are selfish and immature. A myriad of reasons lie behind those decisions, and selfishness or immaturity often aren't involved at all. Conversely, some parents choose to have kids for entirely selfish and immature reasons. (I knew someone who had her kid because she knew a lot of people would "give her stuff.") No blanket statements can apply here.

A quick google search reveals that a fetus much much more than a "jumble of multiplying cells." The heart starts to beat 18 days after conception, and brain waves have been recorded at 40 days. It is undeniable that life begins at conception. You may argue that said life is strictly a fetus and that a fetus is not a human baby, but then you must ask at what point the fetus 'transforms' into a human. Have you ever seen an ultrasound image? Looks an awful lot like a little baby to me. This is a link describing the development of a fetus in its mothers womb. It is unbiased and presents the facts as they are. I hope you take a look.

dynky 3

#55 - i suspect their lives would have been better if they had. they would almost certainly be financially better off, even possibly retired by now. my mother might not have given up on her career. nor would she have had to have surgery twice to repair the damage that giving birth to me did to her body. they would have been able to actually do stuff with their lives during the 7 years after my sister left home, rather than being stuck still raising me. they would probably have more friends and hobbies. all in all, i think their lives would have been much richer and contained more fulfilling experiences if they had aborted me. i'm glad they didn't, obviously (although if they had i wouldn't exist to know about it). but i think choosing to abort would have been in their best interests.

dynky: It obviously wasn't your decision to make, so I don't know why you're lamenting over it. Not wanting to have kids to pursue other things is fine, but don't bring down other people's decisions to have them. Not everybody has a fulfilling life living just for themselves. Ask almost anyone that has kids if they regret it and they'll likely say no and truly mean it. Don't waste your time feeling sorry for them.

dynky 3

i'm only bringing down the decisions of those who complain about it constantly. what i hear from parents is a lot of complaining about how shit their lives are, followed by a hasty "oh but it's all so worth it, honest!". it just sounds like they're trying very hard to convince themselves, because they're too ashamed to admit they regret it.

You off the internet, and pray you never get raped. Go home and pray the fetus you might once carry will not develope deformities making it a vegetable. Go home and pray you don't ever have to have a pregnancy terminated because the cute little fetus is killing you! There are lots of reaaons why doctors advise an abortion, can you imagine how much it hurts when some selfrightious prick outide the clinic gives you leaflets with torn apart fetusses? Grow up and respect other peoples choices!

As I said before: my only point is that I believe, based on scientific facts, that a fetus is a human baby. Abortion kills that human baby. Killing other humans is morally wrong. Therefore, using logic, abortion is morally wrong. If the mother's life is gravely endangered by the pregnancy, then yes, I can see why an abortion MIGHT be justified; and the question of whether a 'vegetable' human is really a human or not is out of the realm of this conversation. But the majority of abortions are not for either of these reasons. As far as rape goes, it must be the most traumatizing experience for anyone who has been raped, and I understand that no one wants the memory of that lingering in the form of a child. But that doesn't change the fact that it is killing a baby. I have not judged any women who have had an abortion, I can understand why it might seem like the only option for many of them. But again: I believe that it is murder, which should never be an option. These are my beliefs (which are shared by a lot of people), and you don't have to agree with them. But at least take a dose of your own medicine and respect them.

dynky 3

but a fetus is not a viable human life. abortion is less like shooting someone in the head and more like turning off their life support machine. except that in this case the "machine" is a human being who is risking their own health to keep alive what is, at best, a POTENTIAL human. in no other situation do we require that the body of one human being is used to keep another alive. there are people - fully developed humans with thoughts and feelings and a place in society - who are dying for want of kidney or liver or bone marrow transplants (all of which can be done from a live donor), but we don't go strapping people to tables to harvest their organs, even though this would save lives. why? because consent is important in our society. i'd even go so far as to say that it is sacred. everyone should have the right to decide how their body will be used. if a woman chooses to allow a child to develop inside her then that is a selfless and admirable act. forcing someone to act as incubator against her will is a cruel violation. the right to life does not extend to the right to have someone else risk their life to keep you alive. we don't even use the bodies of the dead to support life without first getting consent from the relatives. i refuse to live in a society where a corpse has more rights than a woman.

nokel11 7

why hasn't this been moderated??? wtf kind of ridiculous conversation is this for FML?

Some people actually want kids... and yes, they may complain, but guarantee nearly every parent would do it all over again if they were asked to choose. So you don't want kids, and that's cool, but it seems ridiculous to "pity" others for having them themselves. Remember, your parents had to have a kid too, else you wouldn't be here.

"and then I got out of the house and took my iPhone then wrote an fml about it before I went to take care of my kids"

authorkid 2

maybe they wrote this AFTER they put the kids back to bed