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By mintypoison - 14/11/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, and all day, I was forced to listen to one of the kids in my apartment building play their recorder loudly and horribly. She started over whenever she missed a note. I was sick, was getting a migraine from it, and couldn't ask her to stop without her mom yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 882
You deserved it 3 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sofineedsaladder 10

get your own recorder and do the same.

Fx13mz 7

I used to play one of those in elementary school. We played at a Target once. We must have ruined their business that day.


sofineedsaladder 10

get your own recorder and do the same.

OP you have a migraine, I'm sure if you explained this to the mother she would've understood. Or shit in her mailbox, whatever works.

jennyvieve 8

Learning to play the recorder is a very important life skill. I still remember how to play Bach's 'Ode to Joy'. It really gets the men.

#19 I thought only Beethoven wrote an 'Ode an die Freude'? Still, wonderfull melody and text.

jennyvieve 8

Oops, I guess I should have googled it first before I tried to sound all smart and stuff.

n_epic_fail 14

So turn on some ****... Real loud.

Just smack her when her mums not looling ;)

kevsnev 7

I agree with the mom. The girl should be allowed to practice. And who knows, maybe she will become a better recorder player.

kevsnev 7

I agree with the mom. The girl should be allowed to practice. And who knows, maybe she will become a better recorder player.

kevsnev 7

I agree with the mom. The girl should be allowed to practice. And who knows, maybe she will become a better recorder player.

tjv3 10

this is one time that I would say call the cops

zendaddy0 0

Get the loudest and shittiest sounding instrument and play a really loud and extremly hard song restarting after missing a single note

"Hello? Operator? Yeah um, some kids playing a recorder." Good idea....

Vash_41288 10

Operator: is she playing it well? Op: no, horrible at it. Operator: someone will be right over please stay calm.

kbobcat 0
richboii 0

No the "s" is there because i didnt bother putting in the ' is that a big problem anyway

lexiieeex3 32

Um maybe call the landlord first.

Fx13mz 7

I used to play one of those in elementary school. We played at a Target once. We must have ruined their business that day.

GhostlyGhoulish 1

haha *index fingers in ears* LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!! LALALALA

Yeah, investing a few dollars into earplugs will save a bit on the headache medication or lack thereof if you're resistant to painkillers.

omgcookeys 15

Get a trumpet. Those are very loud. :)

gamefreakpog 5

Barge into her house, take the recorder, and smash it.

...and then be charged with destruction of property, and assult. Woop-dee-doo...

As soon as you destroy it, hand her a $20. Recorders are cheap, but the time it takes her to go out and get one will give your migrain time to stop.

OMG I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!! My brother is going through that phase :/

blink182AAR 6

Haha, that has to be the most useless instrument..

Excuse me! I just happen to be a four time recorder Provincial Champion, National runner up and took place in- Nope, your right, it's useless.

catseventhst 0

I'm finally on the first page yay