This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By CreditIsDue - 27/03/2017 22:00 - United States

Today, as I was leaving the mall, a young girl approached me and asked me for my credit card so that she could, "Check my account." When I said, "No, thank you.", her mother came out of nowhere and started shouting at me for not playing along and for, "hurting her daughter's feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 193
You deserved it 247

Top comments

Tell the mother that she better accompany her daughter to the police station or else "her feelings would be hurt" because you are calling the cops now


You should report that to both mall security and the police. It's a scam attempt and could get the little girl hurt.

I would have definitely reported her! A kid wouldn't go around saying something like that unless they were told to.

blargerpanda 13

I would have been pissed and told the mother to teach her daughter not to go up to strangers and ask that and i would express my concern about the two of them being part or some credit theft plot

devans00 14

Can't even shop in peace without scam artists bothering you.

YDI, how DARE you refuse to give your credit card to somebody you've never met before! Do you even have friends?! [/sarcasm]

I hope the mother got locked up and CPS took her daughter away from her, who the hell uses their child to try and steal somebody's credit card?